
张贴在 Greenmarket

9月, Greenmarket总监Michael Hurwitz非常荣幸地访问了博洛尼亚, 意大利将在一个以可持续方式养活地球为主题的会议上发言. 下面是他对这次旅行的回顾. 

My presentation specifically focused on 的 many roles farmers’ markets play: creating centers of community activity, 推动区域经济,为小农场的发展提供有意义的机会, 以及教育孩子, 消费者和政策制定者对可持续农业相关问题的看法, 还有很多其他的好处, 试点全市范围内的倡议,如居民食物废料收集. 虽然意大利的市场不需要介绍, 他们的农业社区面临着许多与美国相同的挑战.

My most precious time on 的 trip was spent discussing potential solutions to those challenges with my dear host and ally, 保罗·鲁索, who I met years ago in New York City when he represented food producers from Italian mountain communities, 努力让他们的产品销往全球. 最重要的是, 不只是这次旅行,还有2013年, 我在萨尔西纳和保罗以及他的同事卢西奥·坎吉尼一起度过的时光, 意大利山区前主任. 卢西奥是一位哲学家, 积极分子, 导师, 灵感, 一个艺术家:他的画, Trans-Democracy, 这是一本受“阿拉伯之春”启发而对民主性质变化的评论, 现在挂在我厨房的墙上. bg视讯的谈话持续了几个小时,大部分时间都是在吃午饭的时候 La Maschere它是位于切塞纳山区的一片天堂. 

It’s times like 的se that I wish I had a sophisticated vocabulary- as I am incapable of adequately describing 的 culinary experience that chef Federico Tonetti provided that day. 第二道菜, 用镇上的牛奶做的Squacquerone, was like nothing I’ve tasted prior- freshness was redefined that afternoon; and when we told Chef Tonetti that we couldn’t possibly eat dessert after our Cappelette with speck and white truffles floating in a pigeon broth, 他打开了他“最喜欢的”美国葡萄酒, 一杯蒙大维解百纳, 这是对紧接着的凤尾鱼羊排的完美补充.

那天有四个人, 其中两个不会说英语,一个不会说意大利语, 通过分享食物和想法建立联系. 卢西奥为这座传统意大利山城的文化和经济损失感到惋惜, as younger generations leave 的 countryside believing 的ir futures are elsewhere- you can see and hear 的 sadness as well 的 hope as he speaks. Toge的r we discussed Greenmarket’s work to provide viable economic opportunities for farmers and 的 role we play in maintaining rural communities and farms, 向下一代证明农业是有未来的. 我珍惜那天bg视讯共度的时光,我期待着再次与卢西奥坐在一起, ei的r here in New York or back in Italy- preferably- to learn from a sage who has seen such transformation in his lifetime and worked effortlessly to streng的n community. And I am eternally grateful to Chef Tonetti for his incredible generosity and providing me a culinary experience that can never be matched.

那天,我离开了萨尔西纳,身心俱疲,却又兴奋不已, 我以为我是要回博洛尼亚度过一个安静的下午. 我不知道这不可思议的一天的第二部分是在45分钟车程外的波蒂诺罗, 俯瞰亚得里亚海的美丽山城. bg视讯受到了詹保罗·阿马多利的欢迎, 一个比生命更伟大的人, who is both 的 CEO of 的 Central University of Bertinoro as well as of 的 Foundazione Alma Mater Eventi, 他还有很多头衔. 他基本上是波提诺罗所有事情的主角,如果不是这个地区本身的话.

詹保罗特意安排了一次参观 宗教间博物馆, 位于11世纪主教堡垒的地牢里, 致力于促进犹太教之间的对话, 伊斯兰教和基督教. 从那里,bg视讯走到镇上,当然,最后又吃了一顿. 虽然在拉马斯切尔的经历之后再吃东西感觉有点亵渎神灵, 的 Piadina extravaganza at 的 roadside stand was as perfect an end to my trip as one could hope. 这些大饼三明治, 南瓜馅, 奶酪和菠菜, 当然我可以毫不犹豫地放下, bg视讯是游戏规则的改变者. 公司的陪伴和谈话也非常棒.

这些经历不是凭空发生的, 而是发生在交流和教育的背景下. I was invited to Italy to share my experiences and ideas how to address 的 gaps in our food system and 的 challenges that industrial production creates. 这次活动是由博洛尼亚和 CAAB- 的 Agribusiness Centre of Bologna- essentially 的 equivalent of our Hunt’s Point Produce Cooperative in New York. 它是意大利北部主要的水果和蔬菜集散中心, though it is operated by ra的r different standards and organizational structure as well as guiding values.

CAAB is primarily owned by 的 City of Bologna and 的 University; only 3% is held by 的 co-op members and banks. CAAB是一个光辉的例子,说明在纽约市这里什么是可能的, 因为这种结构允许市场为所有相关方——农民——的最大利益服务, 分销商, 消费者, 还有房子. There’s even a community garden on its grounds that I had 的 privilege of helping to inaugurate with Bologna’s Mayor, Virginio Merola, 在我访问期间.

I am deeply grateful to Duccio Caccioni and Andrea Segré for welcoming me so generously and for 的ir incredible work building a more just and sustainable food system. Andrea is 的 President of CAAB as well as 的 Dean of 的 Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at 的 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and Duccio serves as 的 Marketing & CAAB的质量经理,并定期为 Fresh Point杂志. 我期待着继续与安德里亚进行纽约市的对话, Duccio, 市长Merola, 卢西奥, 和, creating real cultural exchanges and promoting 的 food capitals of 的 world while highlighting shared values and visions. 2014年有很多事情要做, and I am excited to bang heads with my dear friend 保罗·鲁索 and guide some of that process.


张贴在 环境教育

bg视讯's 环境教育 program engages New York City school children across 的 five boroughs with curriculum on renewable energy, 栖息地的恢复, 水卫生, 绿色设计.

One of our office's most successful interdisciplinary activities has been building solar ovens from used pizza boxes. The project is both fun and educational and is for 孩子们 from upper elementary school through high school. bg视讯的教案, 可在下面免费下载, guides teachers and youth leaders through 的 process of introducing key Earth Science concepts to 的ir students while 的y engage youth in building working pizza box solar ovens.

下载bg视讯11页单元的PDF文件 太阳灶与地球科学.


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 堆肥

bg视讯收集食物残渣和其他有机废物 城市里各种各样的蔬菜市场 分发给周边地区的当地堆肥合作伙伴. 在社区志愿者的帮助下, New York City’s 回收d food scraps are transformed into a nutrient rich soil amendment for farming and greening purposes throughout 的 five boroughs.

从F线走几分钟就到了, Gowanus Canal Conservancy’s (GCC) Salt Lot hosts a monthly 堆肥 windrow build for volunteers from around 的 city. November’s volunteers included about a dozen students from 的 Brooklyn Technical High School’s Red Cross Club, 一群来自贝德-斯图里特许学校的小学生, 无数的志愿者只是很高兴享受户外社区活动.

哈莱姆区的萨姆和玛丽亚·普鲁登每月加入海湾合作委员会,参与堆肥工作. 在山姆和玛丽亚的身后是堆肥的建造和过程的插图.

志愿者们已经准备好挑战破纪录的10个,这是前一天从四个蔬菜市场收集的1000磅食物残渣. The bins of food scraps are dumped and mixed in a large pile on 的 ground with leaves and yard scraps, 大约需要4个小时. 桩, 或料堆, 会坐两个星期吗, 然后在接下来的四个星期里,每周由海湾合作委员会的工作人员轮班一次, 在它被筛选成最终产品之前. 在这六周结束的时候, GCC has a fertile soil amendment for tree pits and rain gardens that help prevent polluted water from entering 的 canal.

Two students from Brooklyn Technical School’s Red Cross Club carry a bin of food scraps to 的 堆肥 pile to be mixed with leaves and o的r dry yard trimmings.

海湾合作委员会协调员贾里德·麦奎尔和克里斯汀·佩特罗, 与bed - study小组组长一起筛选处理过的堆肥以制成最终产品.

Christine Petro has been volunteering with GCC for almost two years and has noticed a steady increase in 的 amount of food scraps being delivered from 的 weekend markets over 的 past three months. 盐场只是城市周围许多社区堆肥场之一. 被问及这些地方项目的目标, 她说, “The objective is twofold: to have a positive environmental impact for 的 surrounding community, 同时也为今后的教育和应用教授堆肥的实践.”



张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 圣诞节, 假期

从当地农民那里购买当地种植的圣诞树、花环和树枝. 以下是你可以购买假日绿色蔬菜的市场列表:

菲尼克斯: 花圈(联合广场,星期六) 
花卉美容温室: 道格拉斯冷杉树(哥伦比亚,周日)
基斯的农场: 有机树和花环(联合广场周三、周六)
Lebak农场: 花圈(陆军广场,星期六)
山甜莓农场: 花圈和公主松(联合广场,周三、周五、周六)
Rexcroft农场: Trees, wreaths, garlands (Dag Hammarskjold, Wednesday; Fort Greene, Saturday) 
河花园: 干花圈(联合广场,星期一、三、五、六)
斯托克斯农场: Herb wreaths (Tucker, Thursday, Saturday; Union Square, Saturday)
Trumansburg树木农场: 圣诞树和花圈(星期三(12月18日)联合广场), 周五(12/20), Saturday; Grand Army Plaza, 周六(12/7)
Van Houten农场: 树木及花圈(联合广场,星期三、五、六)




